June 2022
N. Vigier, Le lithium: un métal essentiel dans la transition énergétique, mais pour quel impact environnemental ? Conference Océan21 festival, organised by the city of Nice, for a large public
Sept. 2022
N. Vigier, Le lithium dans tous ses états : un métal d’importance stratégique et scientifique, Conference La Science Pour tous 06, Villefranche-sur-Mer (conference for large public on lithium as a scientific tracer and a strategic trace metal)
Dec 2021
Adopt-a-Float Conference for college and school teachers, Lithium : a metal of scientific and strategic importance, Nathalie Vigier
Nov 2021
Adopt-a-Float Conference for college and school teachers, Chemical Composition of the Ocean and its links with the climate, Nathalie Vigie
Evening conference for the general public given by Nathalie Vigier at the city of Beaulieu-sur-Mer, La Science pour tous 06: Lithium in all its states
Oct. 2021
Our team has been selected by THALAS to participate to their oceanic expedition for meeting scholars and "heroes" fighting for ocean preservation worldwide. They took our scientific protocole on board for collecting many marine samples in the Mediterranean Sea first, and in one year from now, from allover the world during 5 years.
See their Website and Application for more information : https://thalas-ocean.org/
Jan. 2021
You can find online 3 videos (in french) explaining our ISO2MET methods and results for the large public (the french Fete de la Science targetting pupils and families), thanks to a great implication of Fanny Thibon and Lucas Weppe:
1: L’impact du lithium sur les organismes marins
2: Visitez la salle blanche et assistez à une préparation chimique
3: Visitez la salle de spectromètre de masse et découvrez les mesures isotopiques
Feb 2020
17/02- The ANR ISO2MET becomes officially associated to CULTURE OCEAN, through its project with a Biology teacher in a local Lycee. More soon !
Dec. 2019
3/12 - The ISO2MET website is online !
4/12 - Our collaborative work on the News of the CNRS-INSU web site
5/12 - Interview at the BBC Radio World Service about anthropogenic lithium in waters : "Science in Action", 27'32''
5/12 - Highlight in Nature Asia
16/12 - News in IMEV website of the Villefranche Sea Institute
Oct. 2019
5-6/10 - An ISO2MET booth at the « Fête de la Science » at Villefranche-sur-Mer: explaining through interactive posters the anthropogenic use of lithium, the ecotoxicology of trace metals in marine environment, and the innovating isotope techniques that we develop in the ANR ISO2MET project, Fanny Thibon
9/10 - Participating at the « Women & Science » (#desELLESpourlaSCIENCE) at the CIV Valbonne, organised by the CNRS, and presenting the thematics of the ANR ISO2MET and Oceanography to high school girls
Sept. 2019
16/09 - Visit at the LOV of a deputy representing Alpes-Maritimes region at the French National Assembly - “Monitoring Trace Metals and Lithium in the Environment and ANR project ISO2MET”, Oral communication, Nathalie Vigier
May 2019
The twitter account for the ISO2MET project is online, follow us!
March 2019
The ISO2MET consortium in the News feed of our Research Federation (IMEV, ex OOV)
Thibon F, Weppe L, Churlaud C, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Gasparini S, Cherel Y, Bustamante P and Vigier N (2023), Lithium isotopes in marine food webs: Effect of ecological and environmental parameters. Front. Environ. Chem. 3:1060651. doi: 10.3389/fenvc.2022.1060651
Poet M.,Vigier N., Bouret Y., Jarretou G., Bendahhou S., Montanes M., Thibon F., Counillon L., Biological fractionation of lithium isotopes by cellular Na+/H+ exchangers unravels fundamental transport mechanisms, bioRxiv 2022.10.06.510772; doi: 10.1101/2022.10.06.510772. (Also in major revision at iScience)
Thibon F. , Goedert J. , Séon N. , Weppe L. , Martin J. E. , Amiot R. , Adnet S. , Lambert O. , Bustamante P., Lécuyer C., Vigier N. (2022) The ecology of modern and fossil vertebrates revisited by lithium isotopes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 599, 117840, doi: /10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117840
Araújo D.F., Knoery J. , Briant N. , Vigier N. , Ponzevera E. (2022) ”Non-traditional” stable isotopes applied to the study of trace metal contaminants in anthropized marine environments, Marine Pollution Bulletin 175, 113398
Thibon F., Weppe L., Montanes M., Telouk P., Vigier N. (2021) Lithium isotopic composition of the organic-rich reference materials TORT-2, DORM-2, TORT-3, DORM-4, SRM-1400 and ERM-CE278k, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 36, 1381-1388 doi: 10.1039/D1JA00045D.
Thibon F., Metian M., Oberhaensli F., Montanes M., Vasileva E., Orani A-M,Telouk P., Swarzenski P. and Vigier N. (2021) Bioaccumulation of lithium isotopes in mussels and implications for coastal environments, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00045
Thibon F. & Weppe L., Vigier N., Churlaud C., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Metian M., Cherel Y., Bustamante P. (2020) Large-scale survey of lithium concentrations in marine organisms, Sc. Of the Total Environment, 141453, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141453
Choi H., Ryu J-S, Shin W., Vigier N (2019) The impact of anthropogenic inputs on lithium content in river and tap water, Nature Communications 10, 5371, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13376-y
Vigier N., Lithium: a metal of importance in the energetic transition, Invited Conference, POET Workshop, GDR OMER, France, Oct 2022
Goldschmidt Conference, 2022, Hawaii, USA : Nathalie Vigier, Chair and Convenor of the session untitled " Novel techniques and Applications of Metals & Their Isotopes: From Environment to Human biology"
Vigier N., Wepp L., Tilliette C., Chavagnac V., Boulart C., Thibon F., Lombard F., Montanes M., Guieu C., Bonnet C., Impact of shallow hydrothermalism on lithium content and lithium isotope composition of marine plankton, Goldschmidt Conference, 2022, Hawaii, USA, oral presentation
February 2022
Vigier N., Weppe L., Tilliette C., Chavagnac V., Boulard C., Thibon F., Lombard F., Montanès M., Guieu C., Bonnet S. (2022) , Lithium concentration and Li isotope composition of plankton from the Tonga volcanic arc: influence of shallow hydrothermal fluids , ASLO-Ocean Science Meeting 2022, Talk
June 2021
Nathalie Vigier, Fanny Thibon, Paco Bustamante, Laurent Counillon, Marc Metian, Philippe Telouk and ISO2MET Team, Biological fractionations of lithium isotopes, Goldschmidt Conference 2021, Talk
Fanny Thibon, Lucas Weppe, Paco Bustamante, François Oberhänsli, Marc Metian, Carine Churlaud, Maryline Montanes, Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe Telouk, Yves Cherel and Nathalie Vigier, Lithium isotopes in marine food webs, Goldschmidt Conference 2021, Talk
Lucas Weppe, Fanny Thibon, Maryline Montanes, Philippe Telouk, Aurelien Viscardi and Nathalie Vigier, Lithium isotopic composition of biological reference materials and automated Li separation using PrepFAST MCTM, Goldschmidt Conference 2021, poster, flash talk
Dongyu Chen, Fanny Thibon, Lucas Weppe, Axel Felbacq, Nathalie Vigier, Exploring the role of environmental and ecological parameters on lithium isotope composition of marine carbonates, Goldschmidt Conference 2021, Poster, Flash talk
June 2020
21-26 / 06 - Participation to the Goldchmidt Conference, USA, Hawaii. Recorded talks and published abstracts:
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Métian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Cherel Y & Vigier N
Novel Application of Lithium and its Isotopes in Marine Ecotoxicology, Goldschmidt Conference, oral presentation
Vigier N, Comeau S, Counillon L, McCulloch M & Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Lithium Isotope Composition of Scleratinian Corals is Sensitive to Internal pH Regulation , Goldschmidt Conference, oral presentation
Feb 2020
10/02 - 1st year ISO2MET meeting at IAEA-EL in Monaco: Results & Perspectives - All participants are present, either in Monaco or through Visio conferences. 9 oral communications
Nov 2019
Mallorie Poët, Yann Bouret, Gisèle Jarretou, Vincent Balter, Nathalie Vigier and Laurent Counillon, Na+/H+ Exchangers perform isotopic fractionation, Modelife Annual Meeting,, Mandelieu, 5- 6 Novembre 2010
Oct 2019
02/10 - Laurent Counillon, The SLC9A-C mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger family: from molecular mechanism to physiology, 7th SIPF-SIF International Workshop on: Structure and Function of Ion Channels and Transporters, Sestri Levante (Genova, Italy), 2019, Plenary lecture
04/10 – Metallo-Mix seminar at CNRS Paris – Stable isotopes of trace metals, Nathalie Vigier, oral communication
Sept 2019
26/09 - Mallorie Poët, Yann Bouret, Gisèle Jarretou, Vincent Balter, Nathalie Vigier and Laurent Counillon, Ionic Transport and isotope fractionation, 20rd Congress of the French Group in bioenergetics, Autrans, 2019. Oral communication.
July 2019
25/07 - Mallorie Poët, Yann Bouret, Gisèle Jarretou, Vincent Balter, Nathalie Vigier and Laurent Counillon, Na+/H+ Exchangers Perform Isotopic Fractionation of Transported Cations, The 17th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology, Kyoto (Japan), 2019
June 2019
05/06 – ANR TONGA kickoff meeting – Lithium isotopes and ISO2MET sampling strategy for planktonic species – Nathalie Vigier
18/06 - LOV annual laboratory seminar – Isotopes of trace metals and marine metabolism – Nathalie Vigier, presentation of first ISO2MET results
May 2019
02/05 - APERO-CHOC meeting – ANR ISO2MET objectives and first results, Nathalie Vigier, Oral communication to the team “Chemistry – Ocean – Climate” of the LOV laboratory
March 2019
15/03 - ECOMERS / LOV thematic day – Non-traditional isotopes and the ANR ISO2MET project, objectives and first results – Nathalie Vigier, oral communication
22/03 - Participation to the “Sustainable Developpement and Research” seminar, Sophia-Antipolis. The ANR ISO2MET project, Nathalie Vigier, oral communication
Feb 2019
06/02- Kickoff meeting in Paris of all ANR projects of CE34 panel (Contaminants, Ecosystems and Health) – oral communication of the ISO2MET objectives and strategy, Nathalie Vigier
28/02- Kickoff meeting of ISO2MET at the LOV in Villefranche. All partners are present – 10 oral communications covering every field of the project: Laurent Counillon, Paco Bustamante, Nathalie Vigier, Steeve Comeau, Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, Marc Métian, Philippe Télouk, Christophe Migon, Fabien Lombard